Private Merchant Banking
Media, Technology, and Life Sciences
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Industry Coverage

The only constant in our business is change, and we work to quickly adapt within evolving and segmenting markets.

  • Print and Broadcast Media
    Traditional media is rapidly evolving with opportunities to take advantage of a broad array of new technologies that are used to extend distribution channels, target specific and newly-defined markets, improve content quality, and increase production efficiencies.

  • Interactive and New Media
    Revenue opportunities are being driven by digital convergence applications in both business and entertainment communications, particularly in concert with branded product, digital content, and service offerings.

  • Informatics, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Rights Management, and Electronic Security
    Advances in knowledge management and intelligent access interfaces are creating new opportunities to apply informatics and AI techniques, as well as security measures to a wide range of industries, generally including pattern identification and systems optimization, image recognition and analysis, natural language interfaces, digital rights management, and customer relationship management.

  • Health/Medical, Biometrics, and Bioinformatics
    Managing and interpreting the information of bio and medical science is revealing opportunities to create substantially improved efficiencies and new products, particularly in drug discovery, clinical testing, production, and consumer services.

  • Intellectual Property
    Technology rights management and intellectual property commercialization play an increasingly important role in the financial statements and competitive barriers of businesses. The licensing, valuation, and exploitation of IP rights offers significant underrealized opportunities for many technology businesses.

  • Financial Information Services
    New opportunities are arising primarily due to the increasing availability and breadth of data and analytics, and inceasing coverage and transparency of securities markets.

  • Networked Devices and Hardware / Telemetrics
    New opportunities are rapidly developing as technology evolves and international comparative advantage shifts in manufacturing, marketing, and distribution.

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